Periksalah busi 1.000 km pertamadan setiap 3.000 km selanjutnya. Ganti busi setiap 6.000 km Mengabaikan perawatan busi akan mengakibatkan mesin sukar dihidupkan dan berkurang tenaganya. Bila busi digunakan dalam waktu yang cukup lama, elektroda sedikit demi sedikit akan aus terbakar dan akan terjadi endapan arang di sekitar bagian dalam busi. Sesuai jadwal perawatan berkala, busi harus dikeluarkan untuk diperiksa, dibersihkan dan disetel jarak celah busi. Penimbunan arang di dalam kepala busi menghalangi percikan bunga api dan mengakibatkan gangguan pembakaran. Bersihkan arang busi secara berkala. Bila elektroda bagian tengah aus sama sekali, maka busi harus diganti dan celahnya disetel dengan menggunakan alat ukur ketebalan (tickness gauge). Tips : 1. Periksa kondisi pembakaran pada busi. Bila tidak normal ganti sesuai spesifikasi. 2. Kencangkan busi dalam kepala cylinder sesuai dengan kekencangan yang telah ditentukan. | |
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Perawatan Busi
Perawatan Rantai sepeda motor suzuki
Demi keamanan pengendara, periksalah selalu kondisi dan setelan rantai sebelum memakai sepeda motor. Pada pelaksanaan pemeriksaan berkala, pada tiap 1.000 km, periksalah kondisi kemungkinan kerusakan rantai berikut ini : 1. Pin kendor atau terlepas 2. Mata rantai rusak. 3. Mata rantai macet atau oblak 4. Melampaui batas pemakaian atau aus 5. Setelan rantai tidak tepat. Penyetelan Rantai Penggerak Setel ketegangan rantai penggerak setiap 1.000 km dengan cara di bawah ini, hingga didapatkan ketegangan 5- 25 mm. | |
Ganti Motor Starter SMASH
Tips Penggantian Oli Mesin Suzuki New Shogun 125, ( FL 125 )
Suzuki New Shogun 125 yang mengadopsi mesin tipe FL 125 telah mendapat beberapa penyempurnaan pada dapur pacunya. Antara lain, minimnya getaran dan bunyi mesin, perpindahan gigi yang sempurna, peningkatan performa mesin, irit bahan bakar dan rendah emisi gas buang. Untuk mendukung kelancaran kinerja teknologi pada mesin ini, dianjurkan untuk melakukan perawatan berkala pada New Shogun 125 di bengkel resmi Suzuki, diantaranya penggantian oli mesin.
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Panduan Aman Berkendara Sepeda Motor Suzuki
Kecepatan dan Jarak Henti Bila pengendara sepeda motor ingin menghentikan kendaraannya, pengendara menarik atau menginjak pedal rem. Tapi kendaraan pastinya tidak akan langsung berhenti namun butuh jarak lebih jauh dari titik pengendara tadi mengerem. Jarak ini disebut jarak berhenti. Jarak berhenti artinya jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti total. (Rumus: Empty distance + Braking distance). Empty Distance Empty Distance adalah jarak saat dimana pengendara menyadari harus mengerem. Kalau diumpamakan sebagai waktu, maka empty distance berkisaran 1 detik. Braking Distance Braking Distance adalah jarak yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti total mulai dari pengendara mengoperasikan rem. Bila kecepatan kendaraan semakin cepat, braking distance akan semakin panjang. Berarti waktu yang dibutuhkan kendaraan untuk berhenti akan semakin lama. Selain itu braking distance juga tergantung pada kondisi permukaan jalan. Oleh karena itu pada kondisi jalan licin atau berpasirm pengendara diharap mengurangi kecepatan dan lebih berhati-hati. Jarak Berhenti Jaga jarak kendaraan anda dengan kendaraan di depan
Drum Brake Berada pada bagian roda depan atau belakang. Di dalamnya terdapat brake shoe yang akan menekan dinding drum brake bila pengendara menarik tuas rem. Tekanan pada dinding menghasilkan gaya gesek sehingga kecepatan sepeda motor berkurang. Disc Brake Pada umumnya digunakan di bagian roda depan. Di dalam struktur disc brake terdapat disc pad. Disc pad mendapat tekanan dari caliper yang terdorong karena tekanan minyak rem. Akibat tekanan ini, disc pad bergesekan denga piringan rem. Jenis Rem Sepeda Motor Disc brake terdiri dari - Master cylinder di setang - Caliper di front fork - Disc di wheel Komponen berputar bersama velg. Di dalamnya terdapat brake shoe. Semakin tinggi kecepatan, semakin besar daya tubruk yang akan diterima. Ilustrasi di bawah bisa dijadikan patokan untuk memahami hubungan kecepatan dan daya tubruk. Ilustrasi: Tabel di bawah menggambarkan daya tubruk pada kecepatan: - 60 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 5 - 70 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 7 - 90 km/jam = jatuh dari gedung lantai 10 |
Modifikasi Honda Supra Next G Sport Bike
The concept of modification is a duck but naked, is one that has not been unusual, "said Arno.Karena obsession was then part of the framework there is no cut and modified. Still in its original shape and dimensions. Even for the affairs of the tank, while maintaining the position under jok.Perubahan radicals can be seen on the arm swing. "I made a new design using the design tralis as often done in deltabox motor sport," added Arno from Jl. Prince Diponegoro, No. 29, Batu, Malang.

That is one feature of motor sport naked homage. Because of the vital functions, searchable large iron pipe. "The choices are 2-inch diameter pipe," he added.Swing arm that has been naked like this certainly would be more fitting with the use monoshock system. Medium to full-custom 4595hal2_supra2.jpgurusan body as well. "We own design using a single model sitter," added the man was putting this.
The model also made a pointed tail so impressive as the motor speed up ,because his model has also led to a rooster, in the middle of the sort made fashionable deltabox additional chassis. All parts are made using fiberglass. source:
The model also made a pointed tail so impressive as the motor speed up ,because his model has also led to a rooster, in the middle of the sort made fashionable deltabox additional chassis. All parts are made using fiberglass. source:
Modifikasi New Honda Mega Pro 2010 Style MOGE
Gambar Modifikasi Honda Mega pro, But modern confusing
Modifikasi Honda Mega pro, If only based on photographs alone, which certainly will not have to know what this motor brand. New Honda Mega Pro 2010. The identity of all the characteristics to be all closed. For example, the order form, design or engine lights front and rear. Everything is lost, I just become confused.
"That's because the fairing that actually cover the entire body, not just half," said Arno and Ardi's Amoba Fiber Planet gokil ideas that make this time. honda mega proThis new form of motor using fiber material. inspiration perhaps taking ideas from the Honda CBR400, but the mananya ya?
"The idea is just, because they also dicustom back in order to adjust the pure form of stern own ideas," the story of Arno further. Fairing front of the really great that this consists of 3 parts or connections. This is so that more easily in the making.
"Overview ofnot optimal visible and strange it is, but if the demon has been invited, the rate remained stable motor covernya gede lho although like," honest Arno fond of showing fungky this. Ah yes lifetime, bro?
Modifikasi Honda Mega pro, If only based on photographs alone, which certainly will not have to know what this motor brand. New Honda Mega Pro 2010. The identity of all the characteristics to be all closed. For example, the order form, design or engine lights front and rear. Everything is lost, I just become confused.
"That's because the fairing that actually cover the entire body, not just half," said Arno and Ardi's Amoba Fiber Planet gokil ideas that make this time. honda mega proThis new form of motor using fiber material. inspiration perhaps taking ideas from the Honda CBR400, but the mananya ya?
"The idea is just, because they also dicustom back in order to adjust the pure form of stern own ideas," the story of Arno further. Fairing front of the really great that this consists of 3 parts or connections. This is so that more easily in the making.
"Overview ofnot optimal visible and strange it is, but if the demon has been invited, the rate remained stable motor covernya gede lho although like," honest Arno fond of showing fungky this. Ah yes lifetime, bro?

In addition, although body gambot so they maintain the flow of air towards machine that does not happen Overheat. Know the air is still cool, not to use the withdrawal radiator motor sport gede betulan.
Otherwise eligible thumb trick is in choosing their paint and graphics. Aware of the new body already looks so big, so they use the basic white color. For if the dark color of the foundation will add great effect, seen ngeblok. Clearly, of course ugly.
In addition to the graffiti airbrush graphics on the effect of very large and can be eliminated before the. Clever tricks that name.
Otherwise eligible thumb trick is in choosing their paint and graphics. Aware of the new body already looks so big, so they use the basic white color. For if the dark color of the foundation will add great effect, seen ngeblok. Clearly, of course ugly.
In addition to the graffiti airbrush graphics on the effect of very large and can be eliminated before the. Clever tricks that name.
Body changed gede course that must be followed by foot is also large. If not, so funny dong. It was also understood this second Arek Malang. "Therefore, to the front of the quasi-standard we cover the new use of condoms with the fiber material, become a more bloated also tuh," the story of both.
So also with the rim. They ngaku rim that they use their own custom-made. "rollling metal that the road should be straight, which is tapaknya wide," cuap Arno. But it sure is safe ya?
JOK Sofa
Ardi said that the inspiration was originally taken from the motor drag the United States. Characteristics have a body size that is stable for a long time start. Because they create a body that is the motor is also molor to 40 cm.
But unfortunately they use the seat sofa model. This is of course analogous alias enggak less harmonious. "Even now become a match race enggak yes," I Ardi kelar project after this modification.
DATA Modifications
Tire front: Duro 110/60-17
Tires rear: 190/50 x 17 Batlax
Front rim: Hand made
Pelek back: Hand made
Sok front: Custom
Sok back: YSS
Swing-arm: CBR400
Carburettor: RX-King
So also with the rim. They ngaku rim that they use their own custom-made. "rollling metal that the road should be straight, which is tapaknya wide," cuap Arno. But it sure is safe ya?
JOK Sofa
Ardi said that the inspiration was originally taken from the motor drag the United States. Characteristics have a body size that is stable for a long time start. Because they create a body that is the motor is also molor to 40 cm.
But unfortunately they use the seat sofa model. This is of course analogous alias enggak less harmonious. "Even now become a match race enggak yes," I Ardi kelar project after this modification.
DATA Modifications
Tire front: Duro 110/60-17
Tires rear: 190/50 x 17 Batlax
Front rim: Hand made
Pelek back: Hand made
Sok front: Custom
Sok back: YSS
Swing-arm: CBR400
Carburettor: RX-King
Modifikasi New Yamaha Vixion Full Accessories Modified
your impression of how Yamaha Vixion after seeing this. Yamaha Vixion modification was deliberately made with full accessories. because there are rarely people who use a lot of accessories on their bikes, so starting from Cuter stickers and a plug for my other bike accessories Yamaha Vixion this...
no Menenk and two brothers Rizal origin Abepura, Papua, including reckless. With the capital only online on the phone aja dared to do a project they believed that his city will make a scene. Purchases of motor unit and a transfer fee MODIF, also based on reports submitted only the modifier. Next?
"But we are not directly familiar with the Fund. But, see the Fund's existence as a modifier of positive thinking I was alone," said Bro familiarly called Ino Menenk which also diamini-jombang_candra02.jpg Rizal.4994mx
It is believed as the creator of their dreams is the Fund GDZH Prasetya of Custom in Jombang, East Java. Because of this long distance relationship, would be intense communication between them. Online is an obligation for every day. One could even compare people who relented-again courtship between their phone each other. Online ... online ....
It is believed as the creator of their dreams is the Fund GDZH Prasetya of Custom in Jombang, East Java. Because of this long distance relationship, would be intense communication between them. Online is an obligation for every day. One could even compare people who relented-again courtship between their phone each other. Online ... online ....
"After many times we talked, it was agreed that the flow of modifications that will be done based on types of motor sports is big," said Dana.
Many references about the motor gede hunted. At this time MODIF modifier is trying to apply a crew cut style of the MX 135LC moge the genre that in fact a duck. But Dana is not interested in doing the process transexual.
4995mx-jombang_candra03.jpgArtinya because of its very nature a duck, it must be fixed with WEH WEH form. If the style's okay to imitate moge. That is the principle. The reason that fits with current conditions. Remember if you change the motor type, could be getting a ticket lho under the Law. 22 in 2009. Because if you change the type of duck to the sport, it shall conduct type test or a road-worthy in the department of transportation or the police. That word's laws.
Cover the entire body of congenital MX is no longer in use. Except for the middle deck is still maintained. Understandable because they want to maintain the shape of a duck. Instead of select fiber bodywork. Although not a fiber-mania, but for this bike he preferred fiber. The reason is fear of the motor becomes too heavy if you wear plate.
Fiber-making process in the form of thin sheets printed. "Gazette was then a small cut and then pasted little by little to form a pattern," he explained.
After the successful pattern established, then the printing process actually performed. Bodywork design work of these funds are not specific like a certain type moge. "This design is purely my creation and imagination," he added.
If observed in detail, it is only the front that could be said had been turned into like a moge.
That's because the head lamp was moved to the front chest. No half head lamp which is applied GSX600 Suzuki's original pick.
"Besides I'll be more macho look, the motor mainly apply MX-600 GSX head lamp is also still rare. Hence, the uniqueness of this bike is located in front of the sector," said the owner of the shop on Jl. Governor Suryo IVB/17, Jombang.
After this photo shoot, direct motor which had immediately sent to Papua. Of course, both Ino Menenk and Rizal can not wait to get membesutnya. Evidence that project via phone MODIF could also be cool. The important thing is mutual trust. Nih lessons for other modifier.
Front tire: 120/70-17 Metzeler
Rear tire: 150/60-17 Dunlop
Airs: YSS
Tachometers: Koso
GDZH: (0321) 860040
Author / Photo: ROnie / Candra
Many references about the motor gede hunted. At this time MODIF modifier is trying to apply a crew cut style of the MX 135LC moge the genre that in fact a duck. But Dana is not interested in doing the process transexual.
4995mx-jombang_candra03.jpgArtinya because of its very nature a duck, it must be fixed with WEH WEH form. If the style's okay to imitate moge. That is the principle. The reason that fits with current conditions. Remember if you change the motor type, could be getting a ticket lho under the Law. 22 in 2009. Because if you change the type of duck to the sport, it shall conduct type test or a road-worthy in the department of transportation or the police. That word's laws.
Cover the entire body of congenital MX is no longer in use. Except for the middle deck is still maintained. Understandable because they want to maintain the shape of a duck. Instead of select fiber bodywork. Although not a fiber-mania, but for this bike he preferred fiber. The reason is fear of the motor becomes too heavy if you wear plate.
Fiber-making process in the form of thin sheets printed. "Gazette was then a small cut and then pasted little by little to form a pattern," he explained.
After the successful pattern established, then the printing process actually performed. Bodywork design work of these funds are not specific like a certain type moge. "This design is purely my creation and imagination," he added.
If observed in detail, it is only the front that could be said had been turned into like a moge.
That's because the head lamp was moved to the front chest. No half head lamp which is applied GSX600 Suzuki's original pick.
"Besides I'll be more macho look, the motor mainly apply MX-600 GSX head lamp is also still rare. Hence, the uniqueness of this bike is located in front of the sector," said the owner of the shop on Jl. Governor Suryo IVB/17, Jombang.
After this photo shoot, direct motor which had immediately sent to Papua. Of course, both Ino Menenk and Rizal can not wait to get membesutnya. Evidence that project via phone MODIF could also be cool. The important thing is mutual trust. Nih lessons for other modifier.
Front tire: 120/70-17 Metzeler
Rear tire: 150/60-17 Dunlop
Airs: YSS
Tachometers: Koso
GDZH: (0321) 860040
Author / Photo: ROnie / Candra
Yamaha Lexam this is the development of nouvoo yamaha 135 cc. This engine uses the technology in the automatic machine called the Yamaha Compact Automatic Transmission (YCAT). body of motor yamaha engine is almost similar lexam yamaha mx 135cc premises. and this YCAT technology in use on many types of CVT automatic motorcycles from honda.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Servis Karburator
New Smash 110 VS Smash Titan 115
Rantai Keteng Shogun 125
Piston Smash di Spin 125
Suzuki Spin 125
Karburator Vakum
Instant improvement in comfort noted by Pedrosa

Dani Pedrosa ended the first day of the bwin Grande Premio de Portugal satisfied with how he felt physically, as the Repsol Honda rider continued his recovery from the broken collarbone that has forced him to miss the last three races.
The 25 year-old did ride and qualify for the previous round in the Australia but opted against participating in the race due to the pain caused by his injury, and having had an extra 12 days in which to recuperate he noted an immediately improved feeling in Friday afternoon’s second practice at Estoril.
“Straight away I felt much better on the bike here than I did in Australia and the shoulder has recovered a lot, which is very positive,” said Pedrosa, who along with the majority of the premier class opted against riding in the first practice due to the wet weather conditions.
“I feel a little bit tired now, but basically I feel okay after riding today. It was a pity that we missed the whole practice this morning because of the rain, and also at the beginning of the afternoon session the track conditions were difficult, which limited what we could achieve. To be honest I didn’t feel totally at home on the bike today but I think this is normal after so long without riding, and this situation will improve.”
With the focus on re-establishing his comfort on the bike times were not on Pedrosa’s mind, as he completed 19 laps with a best time of 1’53.592 – just over five seconds off Jorge Lorenzo’s top time.
bwin grande premio,
Dani Pedrosa,
repsol honda rider
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Modif Yamaha New Jupiter MX 2010
Yamaha New Jupiter MX 135 is taken from champion in the class II Moped Racing Look, Yamaha Mofest Modification Contest II, Region III, Medan. Surely the eyes of baseball can be separated from the concept of graphical plots MX 135 X-treme Abadi (XA), Pekanbaru, Riau, which was inspired from riding Colin Edwards and James Toseland of Tech 3 Yamaha Monster. Maybe there is hope of Teddy Abadi, the modifier, his work could be mounts Collin and Toseland for operational paddock.3221109-mofest-dvd-2.jpg
Overall XA suitable work is called racing look. From the front, wings, tail until the seat plus a fine line sports ducks. To the extent that the position of the front of the low added contrived to touch sepatbor. That is, a user ergonomics MX 135 will slightly feel the position of the body which rather down position.
Modif Yamaha New Jupiter MX 2010

Front tire: Dunlop 80/90-17
Rear tire: 110/90-17 Dunlop
Sokbreker front: Marzocchi
Footsteep: TDR
Arm swing: Yamaha Spark-Z
Front tire: Dunlop 80/90-17
Rear tire: 110/90-17 Dunlop
Sokbreker front: Marzocchi
Footsteep: TDR
Arm swing: Yamaha Spark-Z
2010 Yamaha Lexam Tech Specify
2010 Yamaha Lexam Tech Specify
2010 Yamaha Lexam
Yamaha Lexam 110 cc - Duck First Yamaha Matic
This is the motor that Yamaha is prepared to fight in the entry-level segment of the duck. Shape is conventional, and indeed this is the type required in entry-level segment. With the automatic transmission system is certainly facilitate users and lead to improve ergonomic factors. So be prepared to meet LEXAM Yamaha and Honda Wave duel against AT the ready circulation!
Rely Lexam Yamaha Y-CAT
Y-CAT is Yamaha's flagship technology for technology mengahdapi honda CV-Matic. This technology relies on the drive belt with high elasticity made from resin. The advantages of this technology is maximum engine performance can be obtained at low speed, and to achieve maximum performance does not need to consume lots of fuel.
Complete Specifications Yamaha Lexam
* Engine: 4 stroke, single cylinder, 2 valve, SOHC, air cooled four stroke
* Capacity: 113.7cc
* Maximum power: 6.18 kW / 8000 rpm
* Maximum torque: 23.8 Nm / 6500 rpm
* Tank Capacity: 4.1 liters
* System: Carburetor
* Ignition: CDI
* Clutch System: Wet - Centrifugal Matic
* Transmission System: V Belt Y-CAT
* Dimensions p x l x t: 1.920mm x 680mm x 1.075mm
* Height: 760 mm
* Weight: 98-108 kg
* Engine: 4 stroke, single cylinder, 2 valve, SOHC, air cooled four stroke
* Capacity: 113.7cc
* Maximum power: 6.18 kW / 8000 rpm
* Maximum torque: 23.8 Nm / 6500 rpm
* Tank Capacity: 4.1 liters
* System: Carburetor
* Ignition: CDI
* Clutch System: Wet - Centrifugal Matic
* Transmission System: V Belt Y-CAT
* Dimensions p x l x t: 1.920mm x 680mm x 1.075mm
* Height: 760 mm
* Weight: 98-108 kg
Jenson Button vows to fight on in F1 title defence
Button, who clinched the 2009 title in the Brazil, trails Ferrari's championship leader Fernando Alonso by 42 points with only 50 points up for grabs.
"It is a long shot but I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I chose not to go for it," said Button.
"I've always said I'll fight until it's mathematically impossible for me."
Alonso, the Red Bulls of Mark Webber and Sebastian Vettel and McLaren pair Lewis Hamilton and Button are all still in the title hunt with only two races to go in Brazil and Abu Dhabi on 14 November.
Button needs to finish at least second at Brazil's Interlagos circuit and hope other results go his way.
Two-time champion Alonso, who leads the standings by 11 points from Webber, is the only driver who can clinch the 2010 crown in Brazil.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Looking like an extra from the movie Transformers is an X-Speed modified Yamaha Mio. If you get a chance to check out the yamaha vixion blog (title link) you'll get a good idea of how they "kick it" over in Thailand. Very futuristic looking, and do you know what they like even better than modding up their scooters? Tricking out their Cubs! Here were using the generic word "Cub" to describe any scooter that somewhat resembles a bicycle with leg shields. Cubs are big business over there. See what I mean right.
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